Good Riddles


Question: A smooth dance, a ball sport, a place to stay, an Asian country, and a girl's name.

What's her name?

Riddle #338 (medium)

Question: An electric train is traveling south. Which way does the smoke go?

Riddle #565 (medium)

Question: A semi truck weighing exactly 10,000 pounds gets onto a bridge that is 100 miles long. The bridge's weight limit is exactly 10,000 pounds, any more will break the bridge. After going about 80 miles down the bridge a small bird lands on the truck.

What happens?

Question: A man is stuck on an island with his best friend and a fisherman. The fisherman and his best friend go off to catch food while he builds a hut. The fisherman returns alone with some salmon he had prepared. His best friend had fallen off a cliff.

After he is rescued from the man goes to a diner and he orders salmon. He eats his meal, he pulls out a gun and commits suicide. Why does he do this?

Question: I'm not a pool, a tree, a slave, a website, or a shirt.

What am I?