Good Riddles

Riddle #318 (medium)

Question: If you're looking for something sweet I know what to do.
But if you don't like heat I'm not for you.

What am I?

Question: What two letters can spell the word candy?

Riddle #11 (easy)

Question: What has a head yet it never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps, can run but can not walks, and has a bank but not a cent to its name?

Question: During what month do people sleep the least?

Riddle #698 (medium)

Question: Thomas is traveling through Germany and stops at a store to use the bathroom. The only problem is he cannot tell which bathroom is for males and which is for females. He finds somebody to ask which is which, but Thomas doesn't speak German. The person he finds can understand English but can only speak and respond in German.

Thomas really has to go to the bathroom, so what two yes or no questions can he ask to figure out which bathroom is which?