Good Riddles


Question: A man named Tom goes to a party. Him and three guests go into a back room to play some games. A few hours later the four of them are discovered dead. One was beaten with a shovel, another had a drill bit in his head, and the other had been clubbed to death. Tom has no marks on his body.

How did he die?

Question: My food and drink were left behind
by ancients from another time.
I grind my feet upon the earth
with strength come from a metal hearth.
My mind is trapped when I run free
when still, it wanders far from me.

What am I?

Question: What has feet and legs, but nothing else?

Question: I join you in battle, fist clenched tight.
We pound three times with all our might.
If my rival decides he will sign for peace;
I'll crush him, and the fight will cease.
But if he lays his hand down flat;
I'll suffer defeat, that is that.

What am I?

Question: I am the only organ that named myself.What am I?