Good Riddles

Brain teaser (medium)

Question: Which thing that comes once in a year, twice in a week?

Statue (medium)

Question: What is older than Obama, sits still as stone, but in some people's eyes is more appreciated than the president's home ? Hint: HIS nickname has Two words and starts with H and the second with A.

Head Candy (medium)

Question: I have existed for centuries, but last only a month. What am I?

riddle (medium)

Question: A chicken gives meat and egg while cow gives us milk. Find another who gives us all these?

A masterpiece (medium)

Question: I am made throughout the world, I am a masterpiece. And to your ears, I am but a humble feast. I am but a traveler, depicted through paper as a start, I can even be made through the work of your heart. What am I?