Good Riddles

Cold and Dark (medium)

Question: Cold and dark, I'm the same as my neighbor. Flatter than a pancake, faster than a panther. Lighter than a feather I still prevail, Yet a million mean trying to lift me would fail. Expanding and shrinking throughout the day, When heat is highest, underneath I lay. I leave in the darkness of the night, And don't come back if there's rain in sight. What am I?

Question: What lightens the light and darkens the dark?

GreenGRiN142 (medium)

Question: I support the fallen (ones) I restrain the naughty (ones) I replace the nonexistent (ones) What am I?

Riddle #708 (medium)

Question: I was taking a plane to China and almost missed my flight. On my way to the terminal there were 7 other girls walking in the opposite direction. Each of these girls had 8 purses and each purse had 2 dogs.

How many in all were on the plane?

Riddle #1689 (medium)

Question: A cheap man and his wife decide to go on a trip for their 10th anniversary. They go to Brazil and while touring the rain forest his wife falls off of a bridge to her death.

Shortly after her death one of the flight attendants on their flight sees a report on her death on television. She immediately calls the police and tells them the man murdered his wife.

How did she know?