Good Riddles

What Am I? (medium)

Question: Men are just as small as stars to me but men can see me while the stars cannot. I am a reflection of the ocean and fire but never earth though without an earth you cannot have me.

Question: I move faster in certain solids, but slower in certain gases. I am typically broken by objects with large masses. I can be used as for pleasure, practice, and even an alarm. If used excessively, I can cause harm. What am I?

Question: What is the only place you leave without entering it?

Shortcut (medium)

Question: A man lives in a small village in a poor country. There's no jobs in the village. To find work you must travel 2 hours by animal to the nearest city. One day when the man was going home he got stopped by a traveler. The traveler said there's a shortcut the man could take as long as his name has no more than 10 letters, has no more than 3 vowels, and has no letters repeat more than once. If the man's name is Solomon can he take the shortcut?

Question: You are driving and you are hungry and thirsty.On the road you find 2 doors.1 has food and 1 has water(drinkable).:Question:What door do you open first????