Good Riddles


Question: I am the universe's complex elegance, I am everywhere...I am created through suffering, inspiration, joy, and even despair. I am born as an idea, and then presented to the human eye. However, unlike living things, I can never die. What am I?

Question: Why did the chicken cross the road? (To get to the Idiots House) Knock Knock* Whose there? .................

Riddle #708 (medium)

Question: I was taking a plane to China and almost missed my flight. On my way to the terminal there were 7 other girls walking in the opposite direction. Each of these girls had 8 purses and each purse had 2 dogs.

How many in all were on the plane?

GreenGRiN142 (medium)

Question: I support the fallen (ones) I restrain the naughty (ones) I replace the nonexistent (ones) What am I?

Question: What lightens the light and darkens the dark?