Riddle (medium)

Question: I am life without death, death without life, a world with no space, space with no world What am I?

Question: A panda walks into a local restaurant. He eats some pickled bamboo, shoots the manager, then walks out the door. The police arrive and question the panda. "Did you shoot the manager?" they ask. "Look at the dictionary," the panda replies. What does the dictionary say?

Riddle #3259 (medium)

Question: If there are twelve cats after one mouse, what time is it?

Question: In 2000, a 40-year-old doctor told his son that, when he was a little boy, he decided to be a doctor after seeing on the internet a heart transplant being performed on a puppy with a defective heart so that the puppy could live a normal life. The boy then thought about being a doctor too someday so that he could help people in a similar way. What's wrong in this story?

By jena

Question: What has 18 legs and catches flies?