Question: Its pure body is destroyed after it meets Miss Gold. It can get shorter when it gets older but wind will extinguish it. It love to glow. Breath is its foe. What is it?

Happy Deaths (medium)

Question: When it is alive we sing, when it is dead we clap our hands. What is it?

Wheelchair (medium)

Question: Can I walk? No. Can I stand? No. I almost never wear shoes. I can't feel my legs. I wear blue, yellow, white, or black socks. When I do wear shoes it is black and white Adidas 👡s. What am I?

Question: You may enter, but you may not come in, I have space, but no room, I have keys, but open no lock. What am I?

By Sjh

Question: Cats are not cats dogs are not dogs we are not real when we go there What am i ?