Easy Riddles and Answers


Question: A dad and his four boys stand in line.
All crowned, they toil in darkness.
Another family they see, two birds of a feather.
All of them together clad in leather.

What are they?

Question: No matter the shape I sit in, you'll find me in a row. Although my name has no letters, my initials are MNO. What am I?

Troll bridge (medium)

Question: You're going to a friends house and want to give them some brownies. On the way to their house you cross 5 bridges. At each bridge you must pay a toll of half of your brownies to the owner. But they are all very nice and give you back a brownie from what you give them.

How many brownies must you start with to give your friend 2 brownies?

Question: Two men play five sets of tennis together and each win three sets.

How is this possible?

Question: Some use me, while others do not.
Some remember, while others have forgot.
For profit and gain I'm used expertly, I can't be picked off the ground or tossed in the sea.
Only gained through patience and time, can you unravel my rhyme?