Easy Riddles and Answers

Fatal Detail (medium)

Question: You are in a car with your friend and your car ran out of gas. You went to the gas station to go pick up some gas. You told your friend to close all the windows and don't turn the radio on. Your friend turned the radio on and the radio was the news reporting there is a murderer in town. Your friend looked up and saw the murderer. The murderer killed your friend. How is this possible?

The block (medium)

Question: How do you run around your block 10 times without breathing heavily?

Question: This is this puzzle. This is is puzzle. This is how puzzle. This is to puzzle. This is keep puzzle. This is someone puzzle. This is busy puzzle. This is for puzzle. This is forty puzzle. This is seconds puzzle.

Question: I don't have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I'm white and empty. What am i?

Question: Bobby's teacher gave him a math quiz. Every time he got an answer right, points would be taken away, so whoever had the most points, got the most questions wrong. Bobby's score was the highest, yet he still got the most questions correct out of the class. How is this possible?