Easy Riddles and Answers

Married Wife (medium)

Question: What on a woman grows once married?

Question: You are driving and come to a fork in the road. You need to get to New York City. The roads do not have signs, no one is there to tell you which road you need to take, and you can't turn back and take the other road if you take the wrong one the first time. You can not turn around a go a different way. If you randomly choose a road to take how will you know you are choosing the correct road before you take it? What is the chance you will take the correct road?

Question: there is a man walking through a farm and finds something to eat it has no bones or meat he then takes it home and puts it on his shelf but then it disipears the next day what is it

Question: If 2=8, 3=27, 4=64, and 6=216, what does 9 equal?

Question: I was always in the beginning of time but faded as time passed by. When people use me in a sentence they never forget to use good grammar. When people play dice with me they never win against me but I hate gambling. When people find me they always get a heart of a lion. Who am I?