Easy Riddles and Answers


Question: What time is it when its 10:30?

The mouse (2) (medium)

By chin

Question: Jerry had a wife that will always delete the pictures of mouse from Jerry's phone when Jerry is asleep. 1day, Jerry saw a mouse and he wanted to take a picture of it. After taking the picture, he went Asleep. Why can he still see the picture next morning?

Question: What comes up but never comes down?

Body (medium)

Question: What can you touch but not see?

The Two Doors (medium)

Question: There are two doors ten feet apart: One door leads to Heaven, and one door leads to Hell. In between both doors are two guards; one who always tells the truth, and another who always lies. Only these two guards know which door leads to Heaven, and which to Hell. What question can you ask both guards to find out which door leads to Heaven?