Easy Riddles and Answers


Question: What's strong enough to smash a ship but is still afraid of the light?

Question: 28th Feb, 2015 Josh went to rob a bank. He threatened to kill the cashier if he didn't open the vault. The cashier told him the vault is not opened with keys but with a password. You can't kill me since I'm the only one who knows the password and everyday the password is different. Josh shot the cashier, entered the password, opened the vault and stole all the money. What is the password?

Question: Joe deals himself and his friend John some cards from a deck of cards (not the same amount). If John gives Joe some cards Joe will have 4 times as many cards as John. If Joe gives John the same number of cards he will have 3 times as many cards as John.

How many cards does each man have and how many cards do they trade?

Question: If you have a rope around a soccer ball and the moon, which rope would have to increase in length more to create a one meter gap between the rope and the soccer ball/moon?

Question: You bury me when I'm alive,
and dig me up only when I die.

What am I?