Easy Riddles and Answers

What am I? (medium)

Question: My memory is good, nay, more like perfect Yet I only remember two things.

abdullah1323 (medium)

Question: What am I ?

Name the city (medium)

By Veer

Question: What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 1/2 goat?

Question: A king and I queen wanted to have a private party with only people that they knew. They decided to make a password to get into the part. On the day of the party a man who wasn't invited wanted to get into the party so he paid attention to what the people with the passwords were saying. Guard: cow Person: farm *next person* Guard: wolf Person: woods *next person* Guard: fish Person: water The intruder thought he had the password so when the guard said... Guard: bird Intruder: tree He was thrown out of the party, why? What could have he used for the password?

Question: What has a tongue but can not talk. Gets around, but can not walk.