Easy Riddles and Answers

99=100 (medium)

Question: When is 99 EQUAL to 100? 😄 ----------- =

What am I? (medium)

Question: I do good things, but one small push could be a horrid disaster! I am normally used for decoration now.

Question: I have the same mum as somebody else,the same dad,the same birthday,the same age and the same sisters but we are not twins. What are we?

What am I? (medium)

Question: I rule the ends of the universe. I control its laws. I reign the galaxy. The start of space is the start of me. The end of the universe is the end of me. The name of my slaves bring mighty terror to you. The universe wouldn't work if it wasn't for me. What am I?

Jack and Jill (medium)

Question: Jack and Jill lay dead in a room with no doors and one window with bars the only evidence is broken glass, a stone and water on the floor. How did Jack & Jill die?