Math Riddles


Question: You have 3,000 grapes with you. You have to send these grapes to a city which is 1000 km from your farm. These are the rules that you have to follow; ◾Your truck can carry only 1,000 grapes at a time. ◾Every time you travel a kilometer towards the city you have to pay a toll tax of 1 grape. ◾You pay nothing when going in the other direction. (towards your farm) What is highest number of grapes you can get to the city?

Question: Hard, Harder, and Hardest are brothers. By age from youngest to oldest, it goes Hard, Harder, Hardest. Hard is half the age of Hardest who is 20 which means hard is 10. Harder has a two-year difference between the number of years older he is than Hard and the number of years younger he is than Hardest. Harder is closer to the age of Hard than Hardest. How old is Harder?

99=100 (medium)

Question: When is 99 EQUAL to 100? 😄 ----------- =

By David Pleacher

Question: Does an ounce of gold or an ounce of feathers weight more?

Trump (medium)


Question: if Donald trump has 57 dollars and he spends 26 dollars and the cashier guy gives him 36 cents back, how much money does he have?