These are the best and most fun math riddles we can find. All of these tricky riddles are based on real math concepts and can be solved with purely math and logic.
4792 ratings
19 saves
Question: When is 99 more than 100?
436 ratings
31 saves
Question: What number do you get when you multiply all of the numbers on a telephone's number pad?
1612 ratings
5 saves
Question: Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what are the odds that the other child is also a boy?
1183 ratings
30 saves
Question: You have been given the task of transporting 3,000 apples 1,000 miles from Appleland to Bananaville. Your truck can carry 1,000 apples at a time. Every time you travel a mile towards Bananaville you must pay a tax of 1 apple but you pay nothing when going in the other direction (towards Appleland).
What is highest number of apples you can get to Bananaville?
340 ratings
24 saves
Question: Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother.
How many children does Mr. Smith have?
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