Math Riddles


Question: A man in New York City has $10. He spends $6.50 on flowers, and $3 on lunch (hot coffee and a hot dog). He then gets on the subway which will take him 7 stops for 50 cents. But he is forced to get off of the subway just 5 stops away from where he began.

Why is this?

Question: A mother is 21 years older than her child. In 6 years the mother will be 5 times older than her baby.

Where is the father?

Question: What is 40 divided by 1/2, plus 15?

Question: Two men find an old gold coin and want to have a coin toss with it to decide who gets it. The only problem is the coin is heavier on one side so it comes up heads more than tails. What is a fair way for the men to toss the coin and decide who gets the coin?

Question: Why are manholes round instead of square?