Logic Riddles


Question: It's the beginning of the universe and the end of every place. It's the beginning of Everything and the end of every race. What am I?

Door (medium)

Question: When is a door not a door?

Question: A man and his wife live I a nice cottage in a village near the lake. One day, they were rowing a boat when he wife fell in and the husband went in to get her out but all he could feel were plants, moss, and rocks. Two weeks after the funeral, the man was walking around the lake when he started talking to a new neighbor when the fisherman said some interesting facts. Fisherman: I haven't caught anything today. Maybe because of the fact this lake has no kelp what so ever. Mrs. Montoya was telling me about it yesterday. I always catch fish when there is kelp in a lake or pond. That is just rotten ain't it? The husband said goodbye to the neighbor and went inside and killed himself. Why is this?

Up and Down (medium)

Question: What goes up but never goes down?

Question: There are these polar bears. And one day they decide to go fishing. So they go out on the ice, they cut a hole, and they sit around it. They catch 2 Karp and 7 Blue Gill. They say, that was some good fishing. Let's roll the dice. They role a 4 and a 3. How many polar bears were there?