Logic Riddles

Impossible (medium)

Question: A spirited jig it dances bright, Banishing all but darkest night. Fire can't kill it but water can. Share it, it won't get less unless wind will ruin it.

GreenGRiN819 (medium)

Question: I can fall, I can sink, I can lay underground I can go on, I can go off, I can go up, but not down If you want to stop me: I give you 2 choices The same as Neo had What am I?

Question: A deer ran through a glass door on the back porch of a house. It broke through the large exterior pane of glass and ended up inside the house. Why did the deer do this?

Question: While the barracuda uses opportunity and speed to prey on other large fish, it has little interest in humans. Barracuda attacks on humans are rare; but when they do, what is the reason?

Head Candy (medium)

Question: I have existed for centuries, but last only a month. What am I?