Logic Riddles

What am I? (medium)

By Tlad

Question: I can be seen and heard miles away, only show my position for a couple of seconds, but if touched it can kill you instantly.

investigation (medium)

Question: Bob is dead in the INSIDE of his apartment. There is a puddle of water, a ball, some glass, and a broken window How did Bob die? What is Bob?

Statue (medium)

Question: What is older than Obama, sits still as stone, but in some people's eyes is more appreciated than the president's home ? Hint: HIS nickname has Two words and starts with H and the second with A.

Good Riddle (medium)

Question: Why did 6 run away from 7?

Question: In Colorland, there was a party. Red tried out the hardest adventures and he was never scared for his color, red, symbolized courage. Orange looked at the sun with a smile for his color is the color of the sun in space. Yellow went on laughing for her color symbolizes happiness. Green went on in the fresh grass for grass is his color. All the colors were happy. However, Blue stared at the horizon, crying. Why he is not happy?