Logic Riddles


Question: What has been found to have no beginning, middle or end; it eats away everything, but makes life for us all?

Murder? (medium)

Question: Romeo and Juliet are dead. The only evidence of their death is in their house, and it is some shattered glass and a puddle of water. The only furniture in the house is a bed, a dresser and a bookshelf. The house is next to a railroad track. Their only pet was a cat. How did they die?

create a word (medium)

Question: You are going to make a word. To make this word, you need to put a letter in between two e's to make a word that starts with e and ends with e. What is the word? Hint: Think outside the box.

By raje

Question: Vanitha goes to park on oct 2 sunitha on oct 3 ramya on oct4 sheela on oct 5 on which date all four friends meet at the park.

By Sal

Question: What can be dying but not be dying?