9 ratings
1 saves
By Cheesyface
Question: If a man has 10 birds and he sells them for 80 chicks each, how many chicks does he have?
9 ratings
0 saves
Question: You look east you look west your looking in both directions at the same time because there's a star you must reach. What are you actually doing?
8 ratings
0 saves
By DelaneyP
Question: Mary Jane is stranded on a deserted island in the middle of a huge and deep lake. She cannot swim and all she has is two strings that are each one foot long. All of the boats that she would be able to use are docked at the shore 4 miles away from her. 2 hours later, she is on the shore of the lake. How did she get across the lake?
6 ratings
0 saves
By PurpleShep
Question: There were 2 children, the son and the daughter. The daughter was born on January 20th and the son was born on March 12th. Both of them were born in the morning. Which one did their parents see first?
19 ratings
0 saves
By chin
Question: James found a little hamster on the floor. He then took pictures of it. Why when he go to the gallery in his phone, he only see his faces instead of the hamster.
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