Logic Riddles


Question: A man who couldn't speak went into a store to buy a toothbrush. He pretended to brush his teeth with his finger to tell the cashier what he wanted. The cashier understood and the man went home with the toothbrush. Then, a blind man came into the store wanting to buy sunglasses. How could he tell the cashier he wanted sunglasses?

What Am I? (medium)

Question: I can climb incredibly high, but only drop so low, it all depends how fast the little ones go....

Question: Pretend walls have their own civilization. Each wall is a different country with different culture. One wall has its own animal, one wall has its own nut, and one wall has its own street. What are the three things the walls own?

Money (medium)

Question: How can you double your money the easy way?

The Houses (medium)

Question: At a neighborhood there is a house in the middle that is red, the one to the left that is blue, and the one to the right that is green. The red house contains red bricks, the blue one contains blue bricks, what does the green one contain?