Kids riddles and answers are those that are appropriate riddles for children to read and attempt to solve. We carefully consider each riddle created by our staff and submitted by users. Many studies have shown significant evidence that riddles can aid in the development of problem solving skills and an understanding of language, especially in younger children. The puzzles in this section are composed of some of our favorite what am I riddles and funny riddles for kids. While these are more appropriate and often easy to solve, this is not to say that they are not also suitable riddles for adults and teens. Use the sorting options to find the more popular and more difficult kids riddles for the older student.
6428 ratings
34 saves
Question: What tastes better than it smells?
6536 ratings
59 saves
Question: What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
5712 ratings
20 saves
Question: What is brown and sticky?
4950 ratings
24 saves
Question: What asks but never answers?
4792 ratings
19 saves
Question: When is 99 more than 100?
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