Funny Riddles


Question: You are surrounded by a 100 foot wide and 100 foot deep moat. You have a 40 foot tall ladder, matches, a gallon of water, and as much rope as you need.

How can you get across the moat?

Question: I cannot hear or even see,
but sense light and sounds there may be.
Sometimes I end up on the hook,
or even deep into a book.

What am I?

Question: A king finds a woman he wants to marry but she refuses. But since he is the king, she has to. The king gives her a deal: he will write 'YES' and 'NO' on two pieces of paper. The papers will be put into a hat and she will choose one. If it says yes she will marry him, if it says no she will not. The only problem is that the king cheats and puts two pieces of paper that say yes into the hat, but the woman is the only one who sees this.

How can the woman avoid marrying the king?

Question: What is it that no man wants, but no man wants to lose?

Question: If you aim to give us a shot, we'll riddle you.

What are we?