Funny Riddles


Question: A man shaves several times a day, yet he still has a beard.

Who is this man?

Question: With pointed fangs I sit and wait, with piercing force I serve out fate. Grabbing bloodless victims, proclaiming my might; physically joining with a single bite.What am I?

Question: Angel and Dory were found on the ground gasping for air surrounded by glass and water. The person who found them quickly got a glass of water for them and they were fine.

What happened to Angel and Dory?

Question: A man runs into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and yells at him. The man thanks the bartender, then walks out of the bar happily.

Why did the man thank the bartender?

Question: Flora killed several thousands of people without mercy. Afterwords, Flora disappeared and was never seen again. Yet the police never pursued her.Why?