Fun Riddles


Question: A deaf man steals a blind man's car. The only person who sees it is a dumb man (he is unable to talk).

How does he tell the blind man his car was stolen without the use of sound?

Question: A man orders a coffee and finds a fly in it. He sends it back and gets another one. But he quickly discovers that they gave him the same coffee that had the fly in it.

How did he know?

Question: One night a man and woman got on th boat. The man and woman got off. Who were left.

The Driver (medium)

Question: You are driving a car.. The car traveled for 25 km and then stopped.. After having lunch he starts the car at exact 3 pm and stops at 5 again.. he travels for only 2 hours every time. Who is the driver?

the dark (medium)

By Yuki

Question: So a girl is scared of the dark, yet she always has the lights off in her room, why?