49 ratings
1 saves
Question: There's a place in the world where the wind blows south then suddenly north.
Where is it?
16 ratings
0 saves
Question: Anna can drive a Toyota, but not a Prius.
She can marry Otto, but not Peter.
She can borrow or rob, but not share and steal.
Can Anna pull up if I pull up?
43 ratings
0 saves
Question: To dye a single Easter egg takes 7.5 minutes if you leave it in dye. How long would it take to dye 3 eggs?
42 ratings
1 saves
Question: A jungle is 4 miles wide. A blind boy wants to see how far he can walk into the jungle.
How far could he possibly go into the jungle?
50 ratings
1 saves
Question: A man named Tom goes to a party. Him and three guests go into a back room to play some games. A few hours later the four of them are discovered dead. One was beaten with a shovel, another had a drill bit in his head, and the other had been clubbed to death. Tom has no marks on his body.
How did he die?
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