Best Riddles and Answers


Question: When you don't have me, you want me, but when you do have me, you want to give me away. What am I?

Question: A man wants to have a party in thirty-one days where he will be serving his 1000 barrels of wine. The only problem is that one of his enemies poisoned one of the barrels. The poison kills any man who drinks any of the wine in about 30 days, give or take a few hours. The man has 10 plants that are also killed by the poison in 30 days and can be used to test the wine. How can identify the single poisoned barrel of wine?

Question: This is a bus:

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     O                         O

Which way is the front of the bus facing (left or right)?

Question: A man named Edward was born on December 21st, yet his birthday is during the summer this year.

How could this be?

Question: There are 57 ducks walking to a pond. On the way, 15 get lost, 26 head back, and 16 make it to the pond.

What happened to the rest?