Best Riddles and Answers


Question: I stand in one place yet I fill a whole room.
I can be filled with molten rock and come in every hue.

What am I?

Six to sticks (medium)

Question: How can six become sticks?

Question: A man wanted to enter and exclusive club, but did not know the password to get in. He waited by the door and listened. The doorman said "Twelve" and the other man said "Six" and was let in. A second member came up and the doorman said "Six" to which the member replied "Three" and was let in. The man went up and the doorman said to him "Ten" the doorman said "Five" but was not let in. Why?

riddle (medium)

Question: A chicken gives meat and egg while cow gives us milk. Find another who gives us all these?

easy riddle (medium)

Question: what goes down but never goes up?