Best Riddles and Answers


Question: The more you work, the more I'll eat.You keep me full, I'll keep you neat. What am I?

Question: Why is a room full of married people like an empty one?

Question: Enter one hole and leave three,
once you succeed I'm on thee?

What am I?

Question: You are playing a game of dodge ball with two other people, John and Tom. You're standing in a triangle and you all take turns throwing at one of the others of your choosing until there is only one person remaining. You have a 30 percent chance of hitting someone you aim at, John has a 50 percent chance, and Tom a 100 percent change (he never misses). If you hit somebody they are out and no longer get a turn.

If the order of throwing is you, John, then Tom; what should you do to have the best chance of winning?

Question: What's cheaper than gold, yet more valuable.Hard to find, but easy to loose