588 ratings
0 saves
Joke: Knock knock!
Who's there?
Knock who?
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Knock who?
(Keep this going as long as you possibly can.)
751 ratings
11 saves
Joke: Knock knock!
Who's there?
John Smith Alexander Thomas Eisenhower William Joesph Harvey Jr. the third!
That's what I thought.
104 ratings
1 saves
Joke: Why was the function not scared of getting differentiated?
80 ratings
20 saves
By IamTHEbest
Joke: One day a man was waking along the beach when he tripped over a lamp. He turned around and kicked the lamp out of anger. A few seconds later, a genie popped out of the lamp.
Reluctantly, the genie said, "Even though you kicked me, I still have to give you three wishes. However, because of what you did, I will also give twice what you wish for to the person you hate the most: your boss."
So the man agreed and made his first wish. "I want lots of money", he said. Instantly 22 million dollars appeared in the man's bank account and 44 million appeared in his boss' account.
For his second wish, the man wished for a couple of sports cars. Instantly a Lambergini, Ferrari and Porsche appeared. At the same time two of each car appeared outside of his boss' house.
Finally the genie said, "This is your last wish, you should choose carefully," and to this the man replied, "I've always wanted to donate a kidney..."
332 ratings
24 saves
Joke: A pregnant woman wants her child to have very good manners. Every night while she's going to bed she rubs her stomach and says, "Be kind, be kind."
Nine months comes and goes and she doesn't have the baby. She refuses to have doctors look at her because it is against her believes. She dies at the age of 70 and still hasn't given birth. The mystery is solved when doctors inspect her. Inside of her womb they find two little men saying to each other "No brother, after you."
76 ratings
1 saves
Joke: What kind of candy gets the giggles?