3 ratings
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Joke: How do you make 5 pounds of fat attractive?
3 ratings
1 saves
Joke: What does a nearsighted gynecologist and a puppy have in common?
3 ratings
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By IamTHEbest
Joke: Little Johnny catches his parents going at it. He says, "Hey, Dad! What are you doing?" His father says, "I'm filling your mother's tank." Johnny says, "Oh, yeah? Well, you should get a model that gets better mileage. The milkman filled her this morning."
19 ratings
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Joke: A blonde man and blonde woman are watching TV and they see that a particular tribe in Africa ties weights around their penis' to make them grow up to 24 inches long. The woman tells the husband that they should do it and he agrees.
The next day she asks him how it is going and he tells her "Half way there."
She asks him "It's 12 inches long?!"
He replies "Nope. But it's black."
7 ratings
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Joke: What's the female form of Viagra?