Short Riddles and Answers


Question: A swan is in the center of a circular lake but he cannot take flight from the water, only on land. On the parameter of the lake there is a hunting dog that desperately wants the swan but cannot swim. So the swan must make it to the land before taking off and must do so before the dog makes it to him. The dog is almost 4 times faster than the swan and always runs to the point around the lake closest to the swan.

How can the swan get out of the lake and take flight before the dog gets him?

Question: In a certain society any time somebody commits a serious crime they must be shot at twice with a 6 bullet revolver. The revolver only has two bullets in it though, both of them right next to each other. They spin the revolver once and shoot the gun. If there was no bullet in that chamber they give the prisoner the option to either spin the chamber again or just shoot again. If the first shot is a blank, should the prisoner ask for the revolver to be spun or should they choose that it be shot again?

For the wise (medium)

Question: An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something that would be able to fill their living room. The first man bought straws, but there was not enough to fill the room. The second bought some sticks, but they still did not fill the room. The third man bought two things that filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought?

Question: A man is writing his will and he wants to leave everything he has to one of his two sons, whichever one is more dedicated. To decide which one will win his fortune he gives them each a car and tells them that whoever's car passes the finish line he has set up last will get everything he has.After a month of both sons refusing to cross the line they finally go to their uncle for advice. They both leave their uncles house in a hurry and race to the finish line as fast as they can.What advice did their uncle give?

Question: 3 men walk into a hotel. The room they want it is 30 dollars. They each pay ten. Once they get up to their room the manager realizes that the room was only supposed to be 25 dollars. He sends the bellboy up with 5 1 dollar bills. On the way to their room, the belly boy thinks "I can't split five 1s between five guys". So, he pockets 2 of the dollars and gives each of the men a dollar. Now, the men have only paid 9 dollars each. 9X3=27 and the bellboy pocketed 2 dollars which makes 29... Where is the other dollar?