Short Riddles and Answers


Question: Upon your lonely journey I accompany you, whether you travel through endless mountains or seas of blue. Wherever you go, I keep your place. Lost you're not, when I'm embraced. What am I?

Question: A man committed suicide in a room with nothing but a chandelier and the rope that he hung from. There is a puddle of water under him. How did he commit suicide without anyone helping him?

Question: A deaf man steals a blind man's car. The only person who sees it is a dumb man (he is unable to talk).

How does he tell the blind man his car was stolen without the use of sound?

Question: Disgusting and small, we wriggle through your halls, devouring books, cloths and walls. Alone we are feeble, together we have some might, glinting in our damp holes at night. What are we?

The King (medium)

Question: The King and A Butler walk into a room, they lock all the doors behind them, the room has no windows. A night passes and the next day 3 people walk out of the room, Who is the 3rd person?