Long Riddles and Answers


Question: You find me behind the stars; or in a sixth, seventh, or third.
It takes something round, a computer, and me to make pie.
I am bigger than anything you can think of.

What am I?

I'm The One (medium)

Question: I'm the one that gives you information, I'm the one that lets you have the ability to control yourself, I'm the one that stores all memories and without me you'll be dead in a instant. What am I?

Question: A shield can reflect projectiles which travel at 4/5 of their original speed after being reflected. A missile is shot towards the shield at 700 km/h. At what speed did it go after its reflection?

GreenGRiN568 (medium)

Question: From "N" to "S" I travel I wish I had a paddle... The closer I get- there`s less of me Further away from "N" I flee In the surroundings I slowly fade One soul for another I trade What am I?

Smile (medium)

Question: I have a large family. I have just as many brothers as i do sisters. Each of my sisters has only half as many sisters as brothers. How may brothers and sisters are there in my family all together