Long Riddles and Answers


Question: You are in Italy for a holiday. You book a hotel. You go a room. It has only a pair of socks, a light bulb, a TV, a remote, a bag and a phone. You search for the English Channel. How do you find it?

Question: Once you are in my sight, you are gone in a flash, and people tend to use me for cash. I am often used as a dire assist, and people often believe that I cause harm, when I am but its catalyst. What am I?

By Jane Austen

Question: When my first is a task to a young girl of spirit,
And my second confines her to finish the piece,
How hard is her fate! But how great is her merit
If by taking my whole she effects her release!

Question: Thousands of orphans who lost their old home,
found by others who have lost their own.
To hide a secret that is obvious to all,
becomes even more obvious when the host falls.

What am I?

Question: In a town their is a barber who cuts everybody in the town's hair. But nobody in the town cuts their own hair. Yet the barbers always has beautifully kept and full hair.

Who cuts the barber's hair?