Long Riddles and Answers

Age (medium)

Question: A son's age is the age of his dad's age's digits added together. The son is not nine or older. The dad is of legal age. The dad's age doesn’t end in a zero, and is more than twenty, but less than twenty-five. How old is the dad, and how old is the son?

Question: You feel me but can't touch me, you can hear me but can't see me. I move leaves in trees, you need me to live. At my highest speeds i uproot trees and mow down houses. I cause waves over the ocean. I've been around since the beginning of life. What am I?

Question: My food and drink were left behind
by ancients from another time.
I grind my feet upon the earth
with strength come from a metal hearth.
My mind is trapped when I run free
when still, it wanders far from me.

What am I?

Who Am l?? (medium)

Question: I dig out tiny caves, and store gold and silver in them. I also build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold. They are the smallest you could imagine. Sooner or later everybody needs my help, yet many people are afraid to let me help them. Who am I?

Question: A man is doing some work on his home and goes to a hardware store. He goes up to the clerk and tells him what he wants. The clerk tells him that each one is $1. He tells the clerk he would like 5000 and he is charged only $4.

What did he buy?