Long Riddles and Answers


Question: Four jolly men sat down to play, they played all night until the break of day.
They played for cash and not for fun, with a separate score for every one.
When it came time to square accounts, they all made quite fair amounts.
Not one lost and all gained.

Now that you've heard, can you explain?

Question: There are ten horses in a field. They each have a stable. There was a storm one day and struck one of the stables. The stable burned. There are now 9 stables. Every horse has to go in a stable at night. You can't build another stable and you can't fit 2 horses in one stable. How do you fit ten horses in 9 stables?

Question: this is a 6 digit number. this number has two decimal places. there are no tenths or tens in this number. the tenths digit plus the hundredth digit equals 6. if you divide the thousands digit by 2 the answer is 2. the hundreds digit is the same as today's date. the units digit is half the hundredths unit.

Question: A man named Tom goes to a party. Him and three guests go into a back room to play some games. A few hours later the four of them are discovered dead. One was beaten with a shovel, another had a drill bit in his head, and the other had been clubbed to death. Tom has no marks on his body.

How did he die?

Triple Chests (medium)

Question: There are 3 chests, labelled food, beds and food and beds.True enough, one chest contains only food, one chest contains only beds and one chest contains both. You are warned that the chests' labels may be lying collectively, or not at all. How can you tell which chest contains what by just opening one of them?