Long Riddles and Answers


By Sal

Question: There were 2 men climbing on mount everest when one man falls off the edge, the next day both of the men have dinner together. How can this be?

Question: If you are Canadian when you go into the washroom and your Canadian when you come out of the washroom. What are you when you are in the washroom?

Question: I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.

What am I?


The dirtier I am, the whiter I get,
Leave a mark on me when you stand, I'll leave a mark on you when you sit.

What am I?

Question: There are 31 horses on a cliff, first they jump into the air, then they come down and stop, then they stand still.

Why do they do this?