Long Riddles and Answers

Universal (medium)

Question: I can be shared by many or spread to few, I am as fragile as silk yet as strong as steel. Wars have been fought in my name, generations defined by me. What am I?

Camera (medium)

By chin

Question: James found a little hamster on the floor. He then took pictures of it. Why when he go to the gallery in his phone, he only see his faces instead of the hamster.

I made dis (medium)

Question: We are two separate things but very much alike. We can be life long or the lesson of your life. We grant you happiness but one may compromise. What are we?

Question: In 1940, a correspondent proposed the following question:

A man's age at death was one twenty-ninth of the year of his birth. How old was he in 1900?

Question: Feathers, I am as light,
But quite heavy if squeezed tight.
I'm seen as clean and pure,
but often talked about with dirty terms.
What am I?