Good Riddles

Troll bridge (medium)

Question: You're going to a friends house and want to give them some brownies. On the way to their house you cross 5 bridges. At each bridge you must pay a toll of half of your brownies to the owner. But they are all very nice and give you back a brownie from what you give them.

How many brownies must you start with to give your friend 2 brownies?

Riddle #750 (medium)

Question: I grow from trees and your home,
once I am grown I fall to my doom.

What am I?

Question: I have 13 arms, 10 legs, 2 head, and smell like burnt denim.

What am I?

Riddle #68 (medium)

Question: Mr. Paige is an only child. Mr and Mrs Paige have 3 daughters and for each daughter in the family there is a brother how many members are in the Paige family?

Riddle #614 (medium)

Question: A book has 500 pages:

  • The 1st page says "Exactly 1 page in this book is false."
  • The 2nd page says "Exactly 2 pages in this book are false."
  • ...
  • The 500th page says "Exactly 500 pages in this book are false."
Can any of the pages be true?