Good Riddles

Riddle #2866 (medium)

Question: You go camping and realize you forgot your sleeping bag. You get it come back and then realize you forgot your flashlight. You go and get it, but when you come back you find your sleeping bag is missing. You then find out you forgot your tent. When you go back and get it you see your sleeping bag, get it and leave your tent. You go back to the camp site remembering you left your tent at home. You also come to see your flashlight is now missing. You get your tent and see your flashlight, you get that too. You then see your sleeping bag is gone. You are so exosted you leave it at home. Why does every thing keep going missing?

Question: If green means go, yellow means slow down or caution, and red means stop. Why can't traffic lights go when they turn to green?

The stick (medium)

Question: A man with a stick walks up to another man. Why?

Sanity (medium)

Question: Take your time do not fear Sadly I am never clear My answer stares you in the face Read me over and over just incase My answer will cause you pain But a smile you will gain Today I am like a July evening dream To find my answer you may need a team What am I

Question: there is a man walking through a farm and finds something to eat it has no bones or meat he then takes it home and puts it on his shelf but then it disipears the next day what is it