Good Riddles

Bus (medium)

By chin

Question: Ben saw a very special bus. Its colour is yellow and purple. This bus can fit more than 99 persons. Guess where he saw that bus.

What am I? (medium)

Question: I am full of light but left in the dark. I have a temper that pushes my single sibling. I have many friends very far away and I disappear in the light when it is my sibling's turn to push me back. What am I?

Hard (medium)

Question: There was a man who wanted to jump in a pool but there was a formation of ice on the surface of the water.Sunlight gleamed and reflected onto the surroundings.You have rope and a deluxe collection of chocolates.A lifeguard is sitting asleep nearby and has a cellphone in his pocket.There are three kids sitting gloomily at the edge of the pool.There is 10 mins for the pool to close.A family nearby is having a picnic with a lot of chili to spare and there are blue fishes in a nearby lake.The temperature is -10C if the man does not heat himself in 3 mins, he will die of hypothermia.How does the man get into the water?

Question: If green means go, yellow means slow down or caution, and red means stop. Why can't traffic lights go when they turn to green?

What Am I (medium)

Question: I'm in every room, yet outside. I move at different paces, but you never see me moving. Where ever I am its crowded, but when your there you don't see or feel anyone. If you try to hit me you always miss, yet you always feel me. You need me to live, but I cause disasters. What am I?