Good Riddles


Question: What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

Question: A man pushes his car and stops in front of a hotel and immediately goes bankrupt. What is he doing?

Question: Tom wants to send Sally an expensive ring through the mail because they live thousands of miles apart. The only problem is that everything sent through the mail is stolen unless there is a lock put on it. Both Tom and Sally have plenty of locks and keys but they don't have any of the same locks or keys.

How can Tom send Sally the ring without it getting stolen?

Question: You have a bag with 'N' strings in it. You randomly grab two ends and tie them together until there are no more loose ends.

In the end, what is the expected number of loops (strings tied to their own end)?

Riddle #251 (medium)

Question: A farmer has three fields. One of them has 3 bundles of hay, another has 4, and the last has 5. How many would he have in the first field if he combined all of them in that field?