Good Riddles

What Am I? (medium)

Question: When people cut me, I do not bleed. They use me, but then they leave. I die, but then revive. I change my appearance as time goes by. What am I?

Riddler101 (medium)

Question: At first I'm in pieces, but you build me and I carry you, at night when your tired or sleepy or even drunk, what am I?

Question: Although I am important to you, I am but a mere illusion. My beginning is as unknown as my conclusion. The more that you think, the more that I appear to pass. When you are in pleasure, I tend to escape your grasp. What am I?

Gorilla names (medium)

By jena

Question: What do you call a gorilla with a banana in each ear?

Banana dance (medium)

By jena

Question: What do you call a banana that likes to dance?