Good Riddles

Riddle #392 (medium)

Question: I stand in one place yet I fill a whole room.
I can be filled with molten rock and come in every hue.

What am I?

Riddle #396 (medium)

Question: There are five hen and rooster pairs. Each pair has one baby every month.

How many chickens will there be in one year?

Riddle #400 (medium)

Question: I am an instrument that you can hear, but you can not touch or see me.

What am I?

Question: Fast you travel, but I travel faster. The faster you travel, the further away I get still. Close as you may get, the faster I still will be. What am I?

Riddle #404 (medium)

Question: You get trapped in a psycho's mansion during a power outage. You try to get out by going through a series of rooms: the first one is blue, the second one is also blue, but the third one is golden. After you go through all of these rooms you find the psycho. He tells you that you must hold your breathe under water for 10 minutes, wrestle a large bear, or sit in the electric chair for ten seconds while it is on.

Which should you choose?