Good Riddles


By jena

Question: What kind of driver has no arms or legs?

By jena

Question: Once there was a family called the Biggers. There was Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, and their son. Who was the biggest?

Locked Room (medium)

Question: You are in a locked room with a burger and a bucket of water. There are 3 doors out to freedom. Door 1: A fire that will burn you to death Door 2: A murdererer with a gun. Door 3: Hungry crocodiles that will eat you. Which door would you choose?

Question: I never sleep yet sometimes I weep. I can get angry or just be happy. Wherever you go I will follow. No matter what you do I will be there. I can not die. What am I?

By jena

Question: What kind of band can't play music?